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北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)比價 北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)比較2017
北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)推薦比較2017 北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)特價
- 書名:北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)
- 作者:黃詩雅, 張文浩, 張柳兒, 蕭敏
- 分類:旅遊
- 出版社:正文社
- 出版日期:2017/1/12
- ISBN:9789888298082
- 語言:繁體中文
NBA/牆哥狂轟37分技壓詹皇 率巫師攻克衛冕軍主場
巫師即將展開5連戰的客場之旅,今天來到擁有「三巨頭」的騎士家裡作客,巫師「牆哥」John Wall本場比賽火力全開,個人攻下37分技壓詹皇,巫師就在他的帶領下,終場以127:115擊敗騎士。
Wall首節就狂轟18分,巫師首節命中率高達82%,會有如此瘋狂演出是有淵源的,巫師上一戰面對騎士,在家裡被LeBron James的打板三分逼進延長賽,最後在延長賽敗給衛冕軍,當然這場比賽要討回點顏面。
騎士三巨頭本場比賽表現持平,James貢獻24分11籃板8助攻,生涯總助攻數正式超越Mo Cheeks的7392次,排名躍升至史上第12位,Kyrie Irving貢獻23分,Kevin Love攻下17分。
巫師本場比賽表現相當精采,總共有7人得分上雙,除了「牆哥」攻下37分外,Bradley Beal轟下27分4籃板6助攻,Kelly Oubre Jr.貢獻16分7籃板。
NBA級教頭親授 全面「引爆」籃球菁英
雷納德獨拿29分 率馬刺主場力退尼克
爵士近5戰輸4場 戈貝爾:球隊有人只想刷數據
克勞佛狂轟28分 快艇連續6季晉級季後賽
北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)推薦mobile01 2017 北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)開箱文
By Abraham Gerber / Staff reporter
Taiwan’s McDonald’s fast food restaurants should join branches worldwide in reducing the use of battery-cage eggs, animal rights advocates said yesterday in a protest outside the company’s national headquarters in Taipei.
More than a dozen protesters in chicken costumes marched in front of the McDonald’s headquarters, calling for the company to stop abusing chickens and to use free-range eggs.
Several protesters squeezed into a mock wire cage while singing an altered version of the song I Want Happiness (我要快樂) by Taiwanese singer A-mei (阿妹).
“Taiwan’s McDonald’s has not used its marketplace leadership to improve animal welfare standards,” Environment and Animal Society of Taiwan director Chen Yu-min (陳玉敏) said, blasting the company for failing to follow stores in the US, the UK and other nations moving to require that non-battery eggs are used in their cooking.
About 250,000 chickens are needed to meet the company’s daily demand for more than 80,000 eggs, she said, adding that battery cages are unsanitary and inhumane.
“The chickens do not even have space to spread their wings and spend their entire lives stepping on one another,” she said, adding that the company could easily replace battery-cage chickens with “enriched-cage” chickens, which include perches and space for chickens to scratch and lay eggs.
Enriched-cage eggs would cost about NT$3 more than NT$6 battery-cage eggs, she said.
McDonald’s said that it was compliant with national food safety regulations.
“There is a relatively small supply of barn and free-range eggs available on the domestic market,” McDonald’s said, adding that it would continue to evaluate trends within the industry.
It denied that the images shown by activists were taken from suppliers, adding that its suppliers use “water sheet” enclosures.
“A battery-cage system is a battery cage — regardless of whether it is in an open or closed environment,” Chen said, stating that battery cages are still used in the water-sheet enclosures.
She said that about 900,000 free-range, barn or enriched-cage eggs are produced nationally every day.
北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)評比推薦 北海道旅遊全攻略(第7刷)團購A784CA9FC42F09DF